Overdose Overdose - Sweet Reality

Full of desire down misty streets
In a forgotten third world country
I walk while the city sleeps
On my screen pictures feed me
Cars and rich places nice and lonely chicks
But what I really see is a dirty misery
Ragged people live and die a trashy fantasy
I wander round and round
Seeking my own promised dream
Then I found its trace on my deceiving TV
I turn it on again
Still tries to seduce me
Now I see beyond its lying screen

Oh sweet reality
You break my heart
You don't need to lie to me no more
Oh bitter reality
You destroy my mind
You cannot enslave my throughs no more

My mind is on fire for all I see
Our lives became a big show
When you're born you get your script
Hard working men fighting for their food
Earning meager wahes following strange rules
But what they really have is a poor shack to live in
Filthy rags to wear and rancid scraps to eat
I wander round and round
Seeking my lost promised dream
Then I found its trace on my deceiving TV
I turn it on again
Different worlds in front of me
Now I see beyond its lying screen